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Autophagy, E. Tamagno

Aβ1-42 monomers or oligomers have different effects on autophagy and apoptosis

13 september 2014

Eur J Neuroscience, S. Bonzano

Odour enrichment increases adult-born dopaminergic neurons in the mouse olfactory bulb.

11 september 2014

GLIA, E. Boda

Early phenotypic asymmetry of sister oligodendrocyte progenitor cells after mitosis and its modulation by aging and extrinsic factors

10 september 2014

Brain Research, G. Panzica

Chronic unpredictable stress and long-term ovariectomy affect arginine-vasopressin expression in the paraventricular nucleus of adult female mice.

7 september 2014

The Cerebellum, Symposium in Honor of Ferdinando Rossi

A Passionate Journey through the Cerebellar Mysteries
K. Leto, D. Carulli, A. Buffo

19 august 2014

The American Journal of Human Genetics, F. Tempia

ELOVL5 Mutations Cause Spinocerebellar Ataxia 38

6 august 2014

Frontiers in Neuroscience, P.Peretto - L.Bonfanti

Major unsolved points in adult neurogenesis: doors open on a translational future?

10 june 2014

Physiology & Behavior - A. Rodriguez-Gomez, F. Filice, S. Gotti, G. Panzica

Perinatal exposure to genistein affects the normal development of anxiety and aggressive behaviors and nitric oxide system in CD1 male mice.

25 may 2014