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Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience

Modulation of semaphorin3A in perineuronal nets during structural plasticity

31 october 2013

Plos One

Cellular and Molecular Characterization of Multipolar Map5-Expressing Cells: A Subset of Newly Generated, Stage-Specific Parenchymal Cells in the Mammalian Central Nervous System

6 may 2013


Lifespan of neurons is uncoupled from organismal lifespan

Lorenzo Magrassi 1 , Ketty Leto 2,3 , and Ferdinando Rossi 2,3

24 february 2013


Cell cycle and lineage progression of neural progenitors in the ventricular-subventricular zones of adult mice

21 february 2013

The Journal of Neuroscience

Distinct roles of Nogo-A and Nogo receptor 1 in the homeostatic regulation of adult Neural Stem Cell function and neuroblast migration

Chiara Rolando 1,2 , Roberta Parolisi 1,2 , Enrica Boda 1,2 , Martin E. Schwab 3 , Ferdinando Rossi 1,2  and Annalisa Buffo 1,2


4 december 2012