Research News

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Frontiers in Neuroscience, P.Peretto - L.Bonfanti

Major unsolved points in adult neurogenesis: doors open on a translational future?

10 june 2014

Physiology & Behavior - A. Rodriguez-Gomez, F. Filice, S. Gotti, G. Panzica

Perinatal exposure to genistein affects the normal development of anxiety and aggressive behaviors and nitric oxide system in CD1 male mice.

25 may 2014

Frontiers in Neuroscience - P. Peretto - E. Boda and A. Buffo

How neurogenesis finds its place in a hardwired sensory system
Beyond cell replacement: unresolved roles of NG2-expressing progenitors 

8 may 2014


Distinct Profiles of Myelin Distribution Along Single Axons of Pyramidal Neurons in the Neocortex

17 april 2014

Frontiers in Neuroscience, E.Cattaneo and L.Bonfanti

Therapeutic potential of neural stem cells: greater in people's perception than in their brains?

15 april 2014

Fondazione Veronesi premia due ricercatori del NICO

Enrica Boda e Paolo Mele sono tra i vincitori delle 130 borse di ricerca annuali assegnate nell'ambito del bando Grant 2014 promosso dalla Fondazione Veronesi.

25 march 2014

Progress in Neurobiology

Special Issue
Allopregnanolone: State of the art

31 january 2014

Development, The Company of Biologists

COUP-TFI controls activity-dependent tyrosine hydroxylase expression in adult dopaminergic olfactory bulb interneurons

12 november 2013

Events & Meetings

17 september 2024

NICO NeuroWebinar & Seminar

1 appointment per week, on Friday at 2.00 pm

08 november 2024

8-9 November :: Motor Neuron Diseases - III edition

Hybrid workshop  

deadline: 22 nd  of September 2024