Physiopathology of neural stem cells

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Group leader:  Annalisa Buffo 

Physiopathology of neural stem cells
roberta parolisi

Roberta Parolisi



Tel +39 11 670 6632
Fax +39 11 670 9138

Born in Turin on 23.01.1985 Italian.

February 15, 2016
PhD Dissertation. Thesis on ““Postnatal and Adult Neurogenesis in Dolphins”. Doctoral School in Veterinary Sciences for Animal Health and Food Safety, Department of Veterinary Sciences, University of Turin.

January 2012 - February 2016
Four years PhD position at Doctoral School in “Life and Health Sciences”, Doctoral School in Veterinary Sciences for Animal Health and Food Safety. Supervisor Prof. Luca Bonfanti, Department of Veterinary 

December 16, 2010
Master degree in Medical Biotechnology (9/S) with 110/110 and dignity of print, at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical, Veterinary and Medical Biotechnologies, University of Turin. Thesis on “Role in the neuronal process of amyloidosis in the hippocampus of a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease”, under the supervision of Prof. Filippo Tempia, Department of Neuroscience, University of Turin.

Faculty of Pharmaceutical, Veterinary and Medical Biotechnologies, University of Turin - Master course in Medical Biotechnology.

Current and former positions
January 2016 – present
PostDoc position, Neuroscience Institute Cavalieri Ottolenghi (NICO), University of Turin (Italy). PI: Dr. Annalisa Buffo.

June 2016 - October 2016
Research stay (during the PhD) in the laboratory of Comparative Neurobiology. PI: Prof. Jose Manuel Garcia Verdugo, Full Professor of Cell Biology, University of Valencia (Spain).

January 2012 - February 2016
PhD training under the supervision of prof. Luca Bonfanti at the Neuroscience Institute Cavalieri Ottolenghi (NICO), University of Turin (Italy).

February 2011 - December 2011
Fellowship as graduate student at the Neuroscience Institute Cavalieri Ottolenghi (NICO), University of Turin (Italy). PI: Dr. Annalisa Buffo.

April 2007 - December 2010
Internship as undergraduate student at the Laboratory of Neurophysiology, Neuroscience Department, University of Turin (Italy). PI: Prof. Filippo Tempia.

Main research interest and expertise
During these last years of research activity, I exploited my expertise in electron microscopy and high-resolution analyses to examine oligodendrocyte and microglia activity and their pro-regenerative capacity in response to myelin damage.

My personal skills:
- Electron and Confocal Microscopy;
- Transgenic mouse lines, fate-mapping analysis, mouse models of demyelination and neurodegenerative diseases, stereotaxic surgery 
- Histological techniques (perfusion, tissue fixation, cryostat and vibratome sectioning, immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence)
- Neuronal and glial cell cultures
- Molecular biology (qRT-PCR, genotyping)
- Behaviour tests (rotarod/fixed bar tests and EE)

Role in research  
Responsible of electron microscopy investigations and surgical procedures, expert in microglia-oligodendrocyte crosstalk and myelin ultrastructure

Curriculum Vitae





Not all oligodendrocyte precursors are created equal

Nature Communication , 28 April 2022

Molecular and functional heterogeneity in dorsal and ventral oligodendrocyte progenitor cells of the mouse forebrain in response to DNA damage. 

Enrica Boda, Martina Lorenzati, Roberta Parolisi, Brian Harding, Gianmarco Pallavicini, Luca Bonfanti, Amanda Moccia, Stephanie Bielas, Ferdinando Di Cunto, Annalisa Buffo

5 May 2022

Air pollution and Multiple Sclerosis: PM effects on neuroinflammation and myelin repair

Neurochemistry International , May 2021
Parolisi R, Montarolo F, Pini A, Rovelli S, Cattaneo A, Bertolotto A, Buffo A, Bollati V, Boda E

This work, which is the result of an annual multicenter pilot project supported by the Italian Multiple Sclerosis Foundation, has shown for the first time that exposure to PM has negative effects on the regenerative capacities of the nervous tissue, and in particular of myelin.

10 March 2021

Glia-to-neuron transfer of miRNAs via extracellular vesicles: a new mechanism underlying inflammation-induced synaptic alterations.

Acta Neuropathologica , April 2018
Prada I, Gabrielli M, Turola E, Iorio A, D'Arrigo G, Parolisi R, De Luca M, Pacifici M, Bastoni M, Lombardi M, Legname G, Cojoc D, Buffo A, Furlan R, Peruzzi F, Verderio C

8 April 2018

Non-neurogenic SVZ-like niche in aquatic mammals devoid of olfaction

Brain Structure & Function , February 2017
Parolisi R, Cozzi B, Bonfanti L

30 March 2017